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Common Misconceptions about Astrology

Common Misconceptions about Astrology

There are many common misconceptions about astrology in the Western world. Astrology in America has been turned into a form of entertainment and is not taken seriously by many people. However, the truth is that there is a lot of truth and usefulness in the art of astrology. Here are the three most common misconceptions about astrology, and the truth behind the myth.

Common Misconception about Astrology Number One: Horoscopes do not work because astrology is bunk.

The Truth: Horoscopes are entertainment created based on limited aspects of the true study of astrology. Horoscopes are created using the basic sun signs and the influences on them from planetary movements and alignments. Since not every person with a particular sun sign have the same astrological chart, horoscopes are rarely accurate for more than a handful of people.

Real astrology predictions are made by using individual astrological information combined with current astrological influences. These in depth astrology readings are very difficult and complex, and cannot be created reliably on a mass basis. Therefore, horoscopes serve as a basis for entertainment and what may happen based on sun sign alone.

Common Misconception about Astrology Number Two: Astrology is an ancient practice that holds no place in reality, such as Greek and Roman tales of Hercules and gods and goddesses.

The Truth: Astrology has been practiced since pre-historic times. There have been maps of the stars and other evidences found that astrology was practiced by the Egyptians, the Incans, and the Aztecs. Additionally, China and India have long practiced astrology and used its predictions in their daily lives for millennia, and continue to do so.

It is even recently understood that astrology played a large role in the Christian story of the birth of Jesus Christ. The three wise men used astrological phenomena rather than an actual star to discern the events that were about to occur and the fact that they would occur in the land of Judah. Based on this new found information, it is becoming more difficult for people to dismiss astrology as myth and legend.

Common Misconception about Astrology Number Three: Real astrology is not practiced in the United States.

The Truth: Much of the astrology practiced in the United States is not a real study of astrology and is for entertainment purposes only, such as horoscopes. However, there are still real astrology experts in America. While they are few compared to the general consensus of astrologists, and may be difficult to find, there are many of them out there.

The best places to find real astrologists in the United States are in communities where diversity has not driven out the New Age population. True astrologists and New Agers can be found in small communities of large cities and at what is sometimes called "enlightenment festivals." There are also New Age and occult book stores and other shops where you may find real astrology experts. Additionally, you can find real astrologists at pagan festivals and psychic fairs held throughout America at various times of the year.

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